Summer Activity Ideas: Buddha Board

Summer rhythm has replaced the year’s routine! We are enjoying the outdoors and time with friends and family, so I haven’t planned much by way of activities and things to do.

But how fun is this art concept? Strokes of water that disappear magically.

I picked up a Buddha Board MINI while browsing a bookshop. I thought it would be a great activity for traveling with children, as we had an upcoming flight at the time.

The MINI is a convenient size, comes with cute stickers, and has the option to pour water in the tray of the board or separately.

Presently, I have the board set up at its own workspace. It’s quite inviting, and I find myself sitting down to stroke. Ev sits down to stroke during those in between moments and seems to find it relaxing.

Buddha Board MINI

Buddha Board MINI


As much as Ev is enjoying the board, I just might upgrade to this bigger Buddha Board complete with a Japanese sumi brush!